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2018.03.22~2018.03.24 Food Ingredients China (FIC) 2018

2018.03.22~2018.03.24 Food Ingredients China (FIC) 2018

22th-14th March. 2018 , Qingdao Huayi Biological Technology Co., Ltd the main supplier of food additives has been at FIC in Shanghai, China.

Critical Points: Food Ingredients China 2018 (FIC 2018)

Organizers:  China Food Additives & Ingredients Association (CFAA)

CCPIT Sub-Council of Light Industry

Time: March 22 to 24

Place: National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai (NECCS).

Detial: The exhibiting space will expand by nearly 10%, and hit a new high! By deeper division of

products into special exhibition areas, FIC 2018 will build up a more professional purchasing and

communicating platform with a larger scale, deeper professional division and higher quality.